Discussion of PHRs and Patient Data Access on iHealthbeat
January 29, 2012
In an new story on iHealthbeat, Barriers Continue To Limit Patient Access to Electronic Health Data, I am quoted on the topic Basically, I continue to be disappointed on the slow adoption of PHRs and the fact that Google Health is now gone. My statement at the end of the article is the most significant – how can providers strategically use PHRs as chronic disease management tools? There have been some pilot programs on this. Perhaps with the incentives to prevent readmissions and management of patients to reduce costs, such as, the Medical Home and ACOs, some provider groups will take a second look at PHRs.
At the same time, I wonder if mobile apps, which have seen huge adoption, need integration with PHRs or visa versa. Disease management and wellness activities could be tracked through apps and added to one’s PHR. This what Google Health tried to do and HealthVault still does. Yet only a small percentage of those with chronic or life threatening illnesses have benefited.
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