Archive for January, 2013

Many Predictions but Which Hit the Mark?

January 6, 2013

I was happy to have the opportunity to contribute to the iHealthbeat titled “11 Experts on Health IT Progress, Frustrations and Hopes for 2013″ with some very good company. I noted the growth of EMR adoption and mHealth. But I neglected an area which I will be more immersed in this year – Clinical Analytics which is one of the strongest growth areas in Health IT.

Another key set of predictions is by Lucien Engelen. Specifically, the trend toward changes in staffing in healthcare, specifically that more women are becoming physicians and more are looking at part-time work and flexible hours. Also, there are changes in location of care as length of hospital stays decrease and more care is done virtually through remote monitoring and remote communication.

Predictions about technology trends like mHealth need to be placed in the context of other changes in healthcare and there are many including the growth of the ePatient movement.

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