Archive for July 28th, 2007
Medicine 2.0 and Healthcare 100
July 28, 2007
Although it dates back to June, this post of 10 tips for How to Use Web 2.0 in Medicine has a nice list of tools. Second Life is at the top of the list. Medical blogs, medical wikis, medical search engines are all in the lineup. The growth of Web 2.0 in health care is exponential and will continue to spread.
On a related note, has created the Healthcare 100 – top blogs in health and medicine. Not only are there 100 with some familiar names like Clincial Cases and Images and the Krafty Librarian, but another 150 give honorable mentioned. The ranking is based on a combine algorithm from Google, Bloglines and Technorati.
This blog is not there yet but will be added soon.