Archive for September, 2011
Social Media Can Change HealthCare – Medicine 2.0 Conference Takeaway
September 25, 2011
I have a new blog post on HealthWorks Collective which is a report on some major themes I observed at the Medicine 2.0 Congress at Stanford this month.
- behavior change is possible through social medial and mobile apps
- Social media can change how healthcare is delivered in a patient-centric, participatory medicine approach.
Guest Blog Post on
September 10, 2011
I was invited to write a guest post on the ONC Query Health initiate for
You can read it here.
Thanks to @ePateintDave for the enthusiastic invitation.
Share this:Government Health IT Gets Boost with Two New Websites
September 8, 2011 redesign was rolled out this week with seperate paths for providers and patients. It makes a great case for EHRs on the provider side including examples of successful implementations in small practices. On the Patient/Family side it explains the value of health IT in lay language and has great videos by some well known ePatients – ePatient Dave and Regina Holiday.
The other announcement is the new Query Health project from ONC which “aims to define and deliver the standards and services for distributed population health queries from certified EHRs and community records, originating in the routine course of patient care.” Excellent goal with some tough technical challenges ahead. Includes implementation, clinical, technical and business. Already many companies and institutions have joined. This has great potential in research for chronic disease and epidemics.
It is a great week for government efforts to enhance healthcare through information technology.
Share this:Quality and EHRs – What Works
September 6, 2011
A groundbreaking article in the New England Journal of Medicine, Electronic Health Records and Quality of Diabetes Care, by my colleagues in Cleveland, demonstrates several points:
- Healthcare quality can be effectively measured using EHR data
- Quality of diabetes care can be improved through the use of EHRs
- This can be done on a regional basis, beyond the scope of one hospital or health system
- EHRs are superior to paper records in improving quality care, demonstrating the Meaningful Use Concept
- This is true over different insurance types.
More background on the initiative, Better Health Greater Cleveland is available Brian Ahier’s blog and on the BHGC website. It is supported by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Conclusion: Why shouldn’t this be done more broadly, even nationally. Perhaps through Meaningful Use it will permeate more broadly.
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