Archive for January, 2014
Year in Review – SlideShare and Delicious
January 15, 2014
Two automated reports I came across thanks to the Twitterati.
First is SlideShare personalized year in review shows a definite peak in November after I uploaded two presentations I made in Houston on Social Media Intro and Social Media in Healthcare. My total views on SlideShare are approaching 100,000 with over 20,000 in 2013 alone. And it is not only my most recent uploads which draw the traffic, some over five years old also draw ongoing interest and have 7000 views. Slideshare has been a source of speaking invitations as well.
Delicious has a similar reporting method. The Delicious Annual Report reminds me I joined in 2007 and has a nice constellation view of some of the content. It includes a word cloud, top finds and popular links. However, in starting my new job, I have decided to transition to Evernote in which I can save hyperlinks but also notes and other content.
Research Gate shows 329 publication views for 2013 with a Research Gate score of 11.33.
For Twitter, I found Simply Measured, should showed not only that I have 6380 followers but also my Klout score of 61.6 and 10,706 total tweets (not for last year only). Also displayed are key words (health care, top), audience distribution, audience by time zone,
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