The US Chief Technology Office Promotes Innovation
July 22, 2009
A few weeks ago I heard Aneesh Chopra speak at the Cleveland City Club (podcast available). He could easily be called the Chief Innovation Officer – he is looking for opportunities to make changes using existing technology in short term projects. Specifically,
“-Using information technology to transform the way government does business
-Foster private sector innovation
-Reduce administrative costs and errors through utilization of health IT
-Change the way teachers teach and students learn”
Two projects of note are Defense Solutions, a site to submit solutions to be funded by small grants and hear in 30 days, unheard of for government grants.
The other is, which exposes existing government data sources for use by developers including raw data, tools and geodata. Part of his approach is to encourage developers in an open source model, to create new tools and mashups which add value.
He spoke today at the Open Government and Innovations Conference. Twitter feed here.
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