Recently Published – Article for the American College of Healthcare Executives
December 16, 2011
I have an invited article in the current issue of the ACHE Frontiers theme issue on social media in healthcare. My article is titled, “Brand Awareness and Engagement: A Case Study in Healthcare Social Media.” With the help of my colleagues at Cleveland Clinic in Marketing, Communications and CME, I present an overview of some of the successful uses of social media Cleveland Clinic has deployed including the standard Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn sites plus a very active YouTube channel with over 800 videos. Online chats and some new blogs for heart care and rheumatologist are also discussed.
Among the many uses of social media here, I personally think how patients and families engage with a large, academic medical center through Facebook demonstrates engagement best – they use it as a vehicle to show how grateful they are for the medical care and kindness of our physicians and nurses.
This publication is primarily for members of the ACHE but can be purchased. The five articles are a great overview of social media in healthcare currently and could provide a helpful introduction to healthcare leaders in your institutions.
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