Archive for August 11th, 2009

Simplifying the Complex: Healthcare Reform

August 11, 2009

As the debate heats up on healthcare reform, the Obama administration has now put out a Reality Check to counter the negative campaign against reform addressing both rational concerns like the benefits and burdens to small businesses and some irrational ones. Perhaps what is needed is a way to simplify the message of this complex reform without diluting it or dumbing it down. How about 10-12 areas of reform put into one document (aka, talking points), which summarize the key areas that the reform will take, such as,

  • access to insurance including removing exclusions for preexisting illness
  • consumer protection
  • healthcare IT including PHRs and Health 2.0 and meaningful use
  • cost controls
  • quality outcomes including comparative effectiveness
  • how it helps business and the economy

Such a document should include no buzz words or government 3 or 4 letter abbreviations, such as, ARRA. Some of this is already on the website but the President should try to break this down more consistently.

Finally, keep the patient at the center of healthcare reform – see this Health Populi post on the challenges.

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