Posts Tagged ‘Enterprise 2.0’
Upcoming Conferences/Speaking
March 29, 2010
I will be speaking at the TAHSN Education Day for Healthcare Communicators – April 30, 2010 (Toronto Academic Health Science Network). Looking forward to visiting Toronto again and having time to learn more about the Innovation Cell as well.
There is a nice video on a conference I am presenting at in May in Philadelphia. The J. Boye Conference – see the embedded video. Some great keynoters, Eric Karjaluoto, Mary Jo Foley and Peter Kim and the promise of a pitch-free presentations.
Share this:Enterprise 2.0 – Limits of Social Media in the Organization
November 13, 2009
Earlier this week I presented on a social media panel at the NEOSA CIO Symposium in Cleveland. Slides below and bookmarks here. I was surprised at how many companies block social media from their employees (about 50% from an informal poll). After the panel, I think many were going to take a second look at social media as both a customer engagement tactic and/or a internal tool set for employee collaboration and communication.
Some related blog posts on this topic include:
- The Über-Connected Organization: A Mandate for 2010 from Harvard Business Review
- Let’s Move Away From Social Media and Get Down to Business – from ReadWriteWeb
which argues for a pragmatic Enterprise 2.0 which will:- Address key business concerns
- Demonstrate business value
- Acquire social computing competency
Enterprise 2.0 is a work in progress. I hope we will see more articles/blogs on ROI and general benefits of Enterprise 2.0, particularly in health care organizations.
Immersive Internet
December 3, 2008
ThinkBalm is a blog focusing on the concept of immersive internet. Virtual worlds and other tools provide “A combination of these technologies and an emerging culture with roots in gaming is opening up new dimensions in collaboration, engagement, and context.” In a work context, they propose the following value propositions:
- Minimizing costs
- going green
- Recruiting and retaining employees
- Creating a culture of bottom-up innovation
Are they overpromising? Maybe, but the exploration of these technologies including in health care workplaces, need further exploration.
Also, check out the new post on the appropriateness of anonymity in the work place.
Share this:Web 2.0 Strategies for CIOs
September 30, 2008
Came across this blog post from Social Computing Magazine, “Ten Aspects of Web 2.0 Strategy That Every CTO and CIO Should Know’. He asks how to make the transition from 1.0 to 2.0 safely and non-disruptively with your business largely intact, perhaps even with a superior competitive position.”
My opinion has always been that Web 2.0 is disruptive, however, there may be strategies to minimize the disruption and win on competitive strategies. There is a helpful diagram about a transformation model.
Some of the 10 points are:
- It’s not about technology, it’s about the changes it enables
- Existing management methods and conventional wisdom are a hard barrier to 2.0 strategy and transformation
- Incubators and pilot projects can help create initial environments for success with 2.0 efforts
- The business side requires 2.0 competence as well.
Worth reading and implementing in your organization, even healthcare.
Share this:Businesses Can’t Hide From 2.0
September 9, 2008
If you want to see a great summary of new Web 2.0 tools, check out this post on ReadWriteWeb. The complete title is “Businesses Can’t Hide From 2.0: A Look At 2.0′s Impact Across Industries”. It covers document collaboration suites, wikis including WetPaint which was recommended by several at the Medicine 2.0 conference, Office 2.0, accounting and more. There is also a whole section on Health 2.0. HR and Marketing wrap up the listing. While companies may not be able to hide from all of Web 2.0, they can still block social networking and YouTube. The business case for these tools needs to be made as both an innovation and the need to allow failures on the road to success and value creation.
Will healthcare be dragged along or be a leader?
Enterprise 2.0 – How It Can Help
August 14, 2008
In an article from the Financial Times titled, “Driving Business the Web 2.0 Way“, David Lavenda from WorkLight, discusses the advantages of Web 2.0 in business. Acknowledging several problems in businesses such as a dispersed workforce, he suggests that Web 2.0 tools like iGoogle and social networking can distribute critical news and events, open-ended, customizable, easy-to-use web tools, such as web-based gadgets to manage information from enterprise applications, and secure social networks for communication.
Share this:Web 2.0 Whiteboard Videos
July 18, 2008
At the Whiteboard on ZDNet has a whole set of videos on Web 2.0 including a good intro to Enterprise 2.0 from Oracle. It provides a simple business case for Web 2.0 within an organization. I would like to see one on Web 2.0 in the health care enterprise. Other topics covered by these brief videos are SOA, security in Web 2.0, Ajax, etc.
The site allows you to download the transcript as well.
Worth visiting and searching for other topics as well.
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