Who Owns Your Data?

January 23, 2012

In a radio interview from Inside the Media, Hugo Campos, an e-Patient with an implanted defibrillator (ICD), talked about his desire to have the data from his device. His logical argument is that the device is now part of his body and so he should have the right to the data from the device. So far he has been unsuccessful in getting his provider or the manufacturer to assist him with this. While rights to one’s own health data is becoming a reality through the Affordable Care Act and Meaningful Use and through initiatives like the Blue Button, device data is new territory. One could argue that the data is too complex for the lay person to analyze but that is the same argument which was made not so long ago about medical records in general. With the growth of apps and health information on the web, complex medical data is becoming more accessible.

This new territory needs more discussion. See the comments on the podcast page. Also, you can follow Hugo on the ICD Users blog.

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