Archive for January 8th, 2009

Web 2.0 as a Disruptive Technology

January 8, 2009

Imitation as a form of flattery – on SlideShare, Len Starnes has picked up on one of my slides on Web 2.0 in Health Care on disruptive technology. See the embedded slide show, slide #8 showing some of the similarities between healthcare organizations and pharma in terms of being risk adverse, requiring long lead times and intellectual property being closely guarded vs. Web 2.0 values.

Later in the presentation, there is a discussion of Wiks, “Doctors like wikis” and “Wikis can streamline project management.”

I am glad that pharma is adopting Web 2.0 strategies and I hope it will lead to listening to consumers and providers rather then just marketing to them.

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Hospital Social Networking

January 8, 2009

Ed Bennett of the University of Maryland has put together a very comprehensive list of social networking sites hosted by hospitals including their use Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.  YouTube looks like the most common but many are moving forward with Twitter. Some have clearer strategies with Twitter and other Web 2.0 tools than others. Most are using Twitter for health advice, others as an abbreviated version of press releases. It remains to be seen where this will go in the future – how it might be used in emergency communication (MD Anderson during the hurricane) or employee communication.

Once hospitals begin to really exploit smart phones, the possibilities are endless except for the limitation of paying attention to patients first.

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